bit.leave: Company Profile for Sub11

Detailed company information on bit.leave

bit.leave logo

Australia's first digital wallet that automates excess annual leave liabilities, employee benefits the balance sheet of your organisation.

Founders: Kushal Vaghani & Brett Turley 
Location: Sydney
Size of Team: 3

Who is your ideal customer: fast-growth tech/professional services companies or large enterprises that have large excess leave liabilities

Why would someone work for your company: We are the biggest users of our own product. We give employees autonomy to work from anywhere and reward our staff with more time off or money money for a job well done. We're also working on an evergreen problem being excess leave and burnout

Current Investors: Antler

Recent Milestone: Version 1 launches on October 15th with first paying customers

Why the name: bit.leave is a play on the popular products. But using a bit of leave to take a break or help you reduce financial stress is what we're all about.

Why did the business start ?: Both Kushal and I have seen how antiquated and underutilised annual leave is. From backgrounds in banking and startups/special operations we both came together over a passion for bringing leave back into the forefront of benefits to reduce burnout, churn and the waste that current benefits platforms have.