Company Profile: iGoDirect

Founder/CEO: Pat Dalton, Founder / Steven Emanouel, CEO

Year founded : 1999

Founder/CEO: Pat Dalton, Founder / Steven Emanouel, CEO

Location: Melbourne, Victoria

Size of Team: 50

Who is your ideal customer: iGoDirect is always on the lookout to help customers who want to disrupt the market with innovative rewards, loyalty programs and promotions. Our ideal customers are companies that choose us as their end-to-end, long-term partner in rewards payments, promotions and data analytics. 

Why would someone work for your company: iGoDirect is an established business with the growth mindset of a fintech startup. In the 25+ years of business, iGoDirect has been at the forefront of innovations, from being the first eftpos gift card provider in Australia to launching its leading-edge digital gifting platform, True Rewards. The iGoDirect team have the opportunity to deliver impactful projects for clients and contribute to cutting-edge innovations in the rewards, loyalty and promotions sector. People who thrive working for iGoDirect embody an entrepreneurial spirit and are adaptable to change.

Current Investors: N/A

Recent Milestone: In February 2024, iGoDirect announced that the company has been granted an AFSL, followed by the news that iGo had been selected by Visa as a Principal Member for Issuing. Being an AFSL holder and Card Issuer has unlocked direct issuing capabilities in Australia, enabling the company to issue and distribute Visa prepaid cards to the Australian and New Zealand markets. 

Why the name: 

Founder Pat Dalton found that in her previous roles, the companies she worked for were not able to produce the results they wanted while working through third-party agencies. Those companies simply could not translate the complexity of using customer profiles, purchase data and insight analytics. Pat seized the opportunity to set up her own business and pioneer the use of targeted marketing offers. By working directly with the clients to get the results they were looking for, iGoDirect was born in 1999 and we continue to do so today! 

Why did the business start? :

Pat has a background in Data-Driven Marketing to drive customer behaviour change.  She set out to help Australian corporates understand customer and prospect behaviour. We let the data tell us what behaviour is happening and then use those insights to guide us into delivering communication strategies that will either enhance or drive a change in customer and prospect behaviour.

We have a highly skilled team with a wealth of experience across many sectors including retail, automotive, financial services, telecommunications, entertainment, travel and leisure.

In 2004 Pat introduced prepaid card products into that market to fuel the marketing efforts, launching the Prepaid Card industry in Australia. It all adds up to more engaged customers. Customers who are more loyal, who interact more often, who are more valuable, and who are advocates for your brand.  Being an issuer today enables us to continue to drive disruption in customer engagement with payments and loyalty!