EVP: Investment Notes - Why they Invested in Investor Hub

InvestorHub, initially named Fresh, made a significant pivot from an existing business model to a new subscription model, demonstrating courage and commitment from its founders.

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Below is a summary of a blog post on why EVP Invested in InvestorHub :

  1. Successful founders require tenacity and grit to navigate the daily challenges and volatility of early-stage, high-growth companies.

  2. Commitment and intellectual honesty are crucial for founders to push through adversity and make difficult decisions, such as pivoting business models.

  3. Culture is a determining factor for long-term success in companies, influencing the attraction, retention, and performance of great people.

  4. InvestorHub, initially named Fresh, made a significant pivot from an existing business model to a new subscription model, demonstrating courage and commitment from its founders.

  5. InvestorHub has grown significantly, servicing over 80 ASX listed businesses and expanding into the UK market, driven by a focus on enhancing shareholder engagement.

  6. A strong emphasis on culture and over-investing in internal staff leads to real ROI, exemplified by thoughtful gestures and personalized welcome packs for clients and new joiners.

  7. The prioritization of culture, people decisions, and creating an environment that attracts the best talent are key to achieving world-class execution across an organization.

  8. InvestorHub's focus on culture and commitment, along with market tailwinds and customer engagement, are primary reasons for investment interest.

Summary based on the blog post below :