Raiz: Sub11 Company Profile

Detailed company information on Raiz

Raiz in black text on white background next to colourful swirl

Company Description:

Raiz is a micro investing platform.

Raiz works by allowing you to invest small amounts of money into a diversified portfolio of assets. Raiz is best known for its Round-Up feature which involves rounding up your transactions to the nearest dollar and investing the spare change into your Raiz account. This means that for every purchase that you make, you are also investing into your Raiz portfolio.

Why did the business start? 🤔: Breaking down the barriers to investing and letting all Australians (and Southeast Asian) access to the financial market for as little as $5.00.

Year founded : 2015
Founder/CEO: George Lucas and Brendan Malone
Location:  Sydney
Size of Team: 25 in Australia and 30 between Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.
Website: www.raizninvest.com.au

Current Investors 📊: ASX Listed - multiple

Recent Milestone 🎉: Surpassing $1bn in FUM