Debt recovery solution InDebted has raised $22.5m to grow their team and deploy new features

Funding news on fintechs in Australia

Indebted logo with colour on white background

Valuation increase ($200m) is a result of more than doubling revenue in FY22 👇

  • This most recent round was led by Perennial who are increasing their stake, with participation from Carthona, MMV and some other minority


  • Indebted told Sub11 they have grown their R&D team by over 40% during FY22 → our intelligent platform is becoming more sophisticated every week as we deploy new features

  • USA now represents 80% of revenue for our global business

  • Significant M&A opportunities presenting themselves to InDebted in

  • Indebted is led by CEO and Founder Josh Foreman

Josh Foreman founder and CEO of Indebted - solo photo in indebted T.

Josh Foreman - CEO and Founder of Indebted (Supplied by company)