Judo bank - Update , Gross Loans and Advances now $10.2b

The bank expects one-off expenses of $7 million in FY24 due to CEO succession and restructuring but maintains its underlying FY24 guidance, targeting PBT between $107 million and $112 million.


Judo Capital Holdings Limited provided a strategic and financial update, highlighting its established position in the Australian SME banking market with a loan book over $10 billion.

The bank is evolving its operating model to seize new growth opportunities, including lending to new segments and expanding its product offerings and regions. Key financial updates include a profit before tax of $93.1 million, a Gross Loans and Advances of $10.2 billion, and a strong lending pipeline.

The bank expects one-off expenses of $7 million in FY24 due to CEO succession and restructuring but maintains its underlying FY24 guidance, targeting PBT between $107 million and $112 million.