Marketech: Company Profile for Sub11

Detailed company information on Marketech

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Year founded : 2000
CEO: Travis Clark MD/CEO, founding developers Jared Lawrence and Lev Khromov

Location: Perth WA
Size of Team: 8

Who is your ideal customer: Anyone who looks at any market for any reason

Why would someone work for your company: Fame, glory, and because the stockmarket is always where it is at!

Current Investors: 200 or so, a few famous ones (that don’t always like it when I use them for clout!)

Recent Milestone: JLM of the float of the year (NC1.ASX), $100m traded monthly volume in Aug, acquisition of Opentrader

Why the name: It's literal

Why did the business start?: The original founder heard about this new thing called CFDs while on his obligatory London stockbroking apprenticeship during the tech-boom of the 90’s and thought Australian’s would like them. Built his own online CFD trading platform and was first in Australia to offer zero commission trading on CFDs. Using that knowledge the company pivoted into building a cloud-based ‘any market/use’ platform in 2014, then we launched the first version for trading ASX shares, in 2020.