Ordermentum - Company Profile

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About Ordermentum:

  • Founded: 2014

  • Founders:  Adam Theobald and Andrew Low 

  • CEO: Adam Theobald

  • Location: HQ in Sydney, Australia

  • Size of Team: 60

  • Industry: Foodservice Technology

  • Website: www.ordermentum.com 

  • Purpose: To create a more sustainable food and beverage industry by helping suppliers and venues trade smarter

Leading the charge in transforming Australia's wholesale food and beverage industry.

Ordermentum, founded by Adam Theobald and Andrew Low, has emerged as a leader in the wholesale Food and Beverage (F&B) technology landscape. Since its establishment in 2014, the company's pursuit of digitally transforming Australia’s wholesale F&B industry for smarter, sustainable trading has yielded remarkable results.

At its core, Ordermentum offers a digital ordering and payments platform that connects wholesale food and beverage suppliers with hospitality venues, reshaping how business is conducted in this sector. Facilitating over $1 billion in transactions annually, Ordermentum stands as the preferred trading method for over 40,000 venues, almost 50% of Australian hospitality venues. This substantial adoption is underpinned by an industry-leading average venue Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 70+, a testament to the platform’s impact on improving trading experiences.

Ordermentum’s success is largely due to its strong supplier network. With over 750 of Australia's best food and beverage suppliers on board, the platform delivers invaluable benefits. Suppliers experience streamlined operations, faster payments, increased basket sizes, and new customer growth—all contributing to a more resilient and efficient industry ecosystem. Ordermentum is committed to the Australian market, having invested $25 million to date, and plans to stay local. 

Ordermentum’s purpose isn’t merely a statement; it’s a commitment to change how suppliers and venues interact in the wholesale F&B sector for the better. The platform pioneers efficiency and sustainability, through reduced waste, saved time, and better economic stability for the industry overall, making them a transformative tool for both suppliers and venues. 


Who is your ideal customer: Ordermentum's ideal customers are all foodservice suppliers/wholesalers, and all hospitality venues including cafes, restaurants, and bars. The technology is created specifically for these businesses, so any Australian venue or supplier fits within our ideal customer. However, our most ideal customer is one who understands the benefits that digitisation brings to their business, and for suppliers who are looking to grow while giving their customers the best experience. Suppliers that fully adopt the Ordermentum suite of features grow much faster than other suppliers that haven't fully digitised. 

Why would someone work for your company: Ordermentum intersects technology with the most human industry out there - food & beverage. That's what makes it both a dynamic place to work, but one that's firmly rooted in the down-to-earth ethos of the hospitality industry. Since our inception, we've had a significant impact on the hospitality industry, literally saving businesses and transforming lives - and the amazing part is, the change we're making is just beginning. In addition to all that, we've got a friendly, incredibly talented team, a flexible workplace where we really walk the talk, and a focus on sustainability that really makes our people feel like they're doing meaningful work.

Current Investors:

 > Pure Asset Management: https://puream.com.au

> Naos Asset Management: https://www.naos.com.au 

> Individuals: Matt Rockman / David Gordon 

Recent Milestone: We recently crossed $3 billion traded on the network - which happened very quickly after our first $2 billion traded on the network. It's a huge milestone going from one billion dollar milestone to the next and shows that the rate of trade happening over our network is gaining faster and faster pace.

Why the name: At the very core of Orderentum is our belief in the power of digitising business.  How by getting the cash to order cycle working, you can offer both suppliers and venues enormous downstream benefits.  Put simply, by digitising the ordering process, you offer enormous momentum and we see this daily through our customers. Our name, although hard to say (we fondly refer to ourselves Order-momentum for a laugh), speaks directly to what we do.

Why did the business start?: Buying and selling supplies sounds simple. But in hospitality things get complicated. When you’re a supplier, you could be getting some orders by email, some by text message, and some by phone. Mistakes get made and it gets messy to manage. On the other side venues get various reminder emails and calls from different suppliers, often at inconvenient times. You miss order cut-offs. And you spend way too long on ordering and payment admin. When I was at Hey You, I'd seen this process play out time and time again, and I could see the frustration it caused and the time it wasted. Venues using Hey You would tell me they wanted this solution for their ordering - and so Ordermentum was born, and we soon realised it was solving a big problem.