Sub11 Sunday Weekly Summary 27 Feb 2022

A summary of the week that was in Australian fintech

Fintech Sunday Weekly Summary for Sub11 Image

•ASX & NYSE listed Block reported their 📣 4Q earnings in the US 🇺🇸 seeing their share price up ⬆️ c33 % locally.

• Sydney based tiiik raised $5.2m to accelerate product development, go-to-market & launch 🚀in key global markets ✅

• Touch Ventures announced 🎤their 1H results: with Investments in Basiq, Till Payments , preezie & Refundid - they also have cash of $78.7m for future investments 💲

• Cointree announced they partnering 🤝with the Melbourne Storm 🏉

• Revolut launched a share trading 📊 feature for Australian customers 🇦🇺 allowing them to invest in >1000 companies listed on the NYSE & Nasdaq

• Judo Bank provided their 1H results :Gross Loan Book 🏃🏻$4.85b , Underlying NIM 2.73 %, Pro Forma Profit Before Tax $3.0m 💰

• Zip Co announced their interim 1H results :
Record Revenues $302m 📊, Record TTV $4.5b 🛒Customers 9.9m 📲, Merchants 81,800 🏪