Rampersand Investment Notes: Hatch

Rampersand is leading a $7M Seed round investment in Hatch, a next-generation AI-driven jobs marketplace.

Taxi for hire

  1. Rampersand is leading a $7M Seed round investment in Hatch, a next-generation AI-driven jobs marketplace.

  2. Hatch is co-founded by Adam Jacobs (The ICONIC) and Chaz Heitner (ZipCo), who have a history of creating impactful startups.

  3. Hatch aims to expand nationally and help Gen Z professionals find meaningful work by matching them with suitable employers.

  4. The platform uses AI algorithms to match candidates with jobs based on core values, aspirations, and team fit, beyond traditional job compatibility metrics.

  5. Hatch has experienced significant growth, with a 20% month-on-month increase for the past two years, over 150,000 candidates, and a matching rate three times the industry average.

  6. The company's success is attributed to its unique approach to understanding Gen Z's job-seeking behavior and values, saving time for both job-seekers and employers.

  7. Rampersand's investment in Hatch is part of its mission to support startups with abnormal potential, alongside other investors including Aura Ventures, Investible, Alberts, Jelix, Common Sense Ventures, and Ahmed Fahour.

  8. Hatch is seen as a transformative platform for the employment market, particularly for Gen Z professionals, who demand jobs that offer both ambition fulfillment and a sense of purpose.

The original article this summation was based on is located here: