Savior: Company Profile for Sub11

Detailed company information on Savior

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Enabling the next generation of Enterprise Resource Planning

Savoir is an Australian start-up developing blockchain solutions that will deliver greater profitability and efficiency in the enterprise space.

Founded by a team of expert business consultants, Savoir will integrate with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to take full advantage of cutting-edge decentralising technologies, like blockchain and Web3.

Savoir adapter modules will allow medium and large enterprises to harness the benefits of blockchain to invest, transact and deliver in ways currently unimaginable with traditional solutions. 

Year founded: 2022
CEO: Sam Thompson
Location: Sydney, Australia
Size of Team: 10-12

Who is your ideal customer:

Savoir technology will be beneficial to any enterprise seeking both increased returns on free capital and improved efficiency across the supply chain.

By bringing the benefits of blockchain to any organisation that utilises enterprise resource planning, Savoir will unlock previously untapped economic and productivity opportunities.

Our first two modules will especially appeal to treasury managers and supply chain executives. The Treasury Management module will provide a consolidated cash flow forecast and access to blockchain-based investments delivering 1000% better returns on working capital than traditional banking alternatives.

Why would someone work for your company:

Savoir is at the cutting edge of new technology that will eventually become fundamental to the way all major business is done. Central banks, traditional banks and world exchanges are all currently transitioning to the blockchain. Working with Savoir presents the opportunity to be part of the future of the world financial system as it transitions to blockchain technology and enters the mainstream. Being part of our team allows people to collaborate with our expert founders to address gaps in current ERPs to drive business processes further than ever before.

Current Investors: Founders

Recent Milestone:

Savoir was invited to attend the prestigious Converge22 crypto ecosystem conference in San Francisco, sharing its vision for a more open, accessible and inclusive global value exchange.

Why the name: 

Savoir is French for “to know”, which encapsulates a passion for learning and knowledge. We are committed to helping larger enterprises to better understand next-gen technologies and share in the many benefits available.

Why did the business start:

Savoir was established after our founders recognised the huge contribution blockchain and Web3 could make in the ERP space with the development of a complete solution across all business processes.

It also coincides perfectly with the increasing global acceptance and adoption of these next-gen technologies by mainstream markets, central banks and stock markets – a shift from speculative retail activity in crypto to a new phase of practical utility.