Unveiling Kingsland Minerals' Lithium Exploration at Lake Johnston


Battery electric energy station parking place. Made with Canon 5d Mark III and analog vintage lens, Leica Summicron-R 2.0 35mm (Year: 1978)

Introduction: Kingsland Minerals Ltd has recently expanded its exploration activities at the Lake Johnston Project in Western Australia, with a newfound focus on lithium mineralisation. This shift highlights the growing importance of lithium in the current market, primarily driven by its vital role in electric vehicle batteries and renewable energy storage systems.

Exploration Expansion: The Lake Johnston Project, initially acquired for nickel exploration, now significantly encompasses lithium exploration due to strong indications of lithium mineralisation in the area. Kingsland has increased its project area to over 620km², incorporating three additional exploration tenements adjacent to the existing Lake Johnston tenement E63/2068​​.

Historical Data and New Exploration: Historic drilling in the area, primarily aimed at nickel, incidentally intersected pegmatitic textures, a key indicator of lithium presence. Kingsland has re-assessed some of these drill spoils, revealing notable lithium oxide concentrations. For instance, hole LPRC 007 showed lithium oxide averages of 75 ppm and 278 ppm in different intervals, while LPRC008 indicated 136 ppm. These findings, although preliminary, suggest significant lithium potential in the region​​.

Current Activities and Future Plans: Kingsland has initiated a low-cost soil sampling and mapping program targeting lithium mineralisation. This geochemical soil survey aims to define areas with anomalous concentrations of lithium and rare earth elements. The program, which began in December at the north of E63/2068, was temporarily halted due to bushfires but is set to resume in early 2024. Kingsland plans to extend this sampling program to new tenements once they are granted​​.

Conclusion: The expansion of the Lake Johnston Project underscores the evolving focus of mineral exploration companies like Kingsland Minerals towards lithium, a critical component in the burgeoning field of renewable energy and electric vehicles. As the world transitions to cleaner energy solutions, such explorations are pivotal in ensuring the availability of essential raw materials like lithium.

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