Send Payments - Company Profile for Sub11

Company Snapshot

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Company Description:

Send Payments is an FX platform helping businesses and individuals transfer money.

Why did you start the business? : We started the business to help enterprise brands offer FX products to their customers. For too long now the new ‘super apps’ have been attacking incumbents and larger brands and FX is often the means to attract new customers. We believe that all brands should have access to great FX products (not just the few). We are the business that helps brands become market leaders in this space, removing critical barriers to market, being: speed, cost, complexity and risk. 

Our view is that if a payments product is embedded with a brand you know and trust at the most critical time you need it, then you won’t go else where looking to solve a problem that doesn’t exist and in doing so Send creates value for both the business and their customers.  

Year founded : 2019
Founders/CEO: Paul Billing
Location:  Gold Coast and Sydney
Size of Team: 52

Current Investors: 67 investors in total

Recent Milestone 🎉: 3 payment products delivered in the last 12 months (Partner API, B2B platform and retail portal) which are all now at market generating revenue. 350+ partners signed for these products (averaging 10+ a month since inception), including large enterprise partnerships. We are also working through our overseas expansion to keep up with current partner demand.