Spacetalk Revenue increases 42%

The company also achieved a 23% increase in Annual Recurring Revenue to $9.6 million, with significant cost savings of $0.46 million this quarter, and is progressing towards a target of positive free cash flow in Q4 FY24.

orange sheets of paper lie on a green school board and form a chat bubble with three crumpled papers.

Spacetalk Limited reported a 42% increase in group revenue from continuing operations to $4.0 million and a 166% growth in paid subscribers for Spacetalk Mobile during Q3FY24 compared to the prior corresponding period.

The company also achieved a 23% increase in Annual Recurring Revenue to $9.6 million, with significant cost savings of $0.46 million this quarter, and is progressing towards a target of positive free cash flow in Q4 FY24.