Sub11 Podcast with Simone Joyce: Co-founder and CEO of Paypa Plane

Fintechfun podcast with Simone Joyce: Co-founder and CEO of Paypa Plane and Chris Titley (Sub11)

Simone Joyce standing - ceo and cofounder of Paypa Plane

Paypa Plane is the bank-grade platform where traditional scheduled payments and payment initiation via NPPA's PayTo meet.

"I think in 12 months time we will see a lot of growth in the current clients we have as well as some extra ones that we will be switching on over the next 6-9 months and really an uptick in the rollout and distribution of those products within those clients"


  • Behind the scenes to setup Paypa Plane 🎬

  • The relationship with Tyro and CBA 🔗

  • The next twelve months 👀

  • Why she chairs Fintech Australia 👍