The Rise of Getahead: Revolutionising the Job Search Experience

Getahead has amassed over 450 million social views in just five months and reaching the top spot in the Australian business app store.

Taxi for hire

As an entrepreneur, Sam McNamara (pictured middle below) has always been driven by a passion for design, user experience, and solving real-world problems. His journey with Getahead, a revolutionary jobs app, is a testament to his resilience, adaptability, and unwavering pursuit of innovation.

I first met Sam McNamara a year ago, but our paths truly crossed when I couldn't escape his relentless videos on my Instagram feed and Philip Di Bella's Facebook account. Intrigued by his story and vision, I reached out to him, leading to our enjoyable conversation on the Sub11 Uncovered Podcast.

McNamara's story begins with his own personal experience navigating the job market during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frustrated by the cumbersome and often frustrating process of applying for jobs, he recognized an opportunity to create a more efficient and user-friendly platform. Drawing on his diverse background in design, online startups, recruitment, and sales, McNamara set out to design the "dream job process" and bring it to life. 

The name "Getahead" encapsulates McNamara’s vision – to inspire and empower people to take control of their careers and achieve their professional aspirations. With a focus on providing the necessary skills, tools, and a seamless job-matching platform, Getahead aims to revolutionize the way people approach their job search.

McNamara’s entrepreneurial journey was not without its challenges. Faced with the daunting task of building an app from scratch, he encountered significant financial hurdles, with initial quotes ranging from six to seven figures. Undeterred, McNamara pivoted his strategy, launching a website that offered high-profile online courses, which generated enough traction to secure his first investor.

The true breakthrough came when McNamara connected with Philip Di Bella, the "coffee king" of Brisbane, who shared his vision for addressing the pain points in the hiring process. This partnership not only provided the necessary funding to develop the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) but also introduced McNamara to a wealth of industry knowledge and experience.

The launch of the Getahead app was a pivotal moment, with McNamara and his team meticulously balancing the needs of job seekers and employers. By offering a free platform and leveraging the power of social media, Getahead quickly gained traction, amassing over 450 million social views in just five months and reaching the top spot in the Australian business app store.

McNamara's relentless pursuit of knowledge and networking has been a key driver of Getahead's success. His ability to connect with industry leaders, such as the co-founder of Tinder Jonothan Badeen (below left) and former head of Marketing Rosette Pambakian (below right), has provided invaluable insights and strategic partnerships, accelerating the company's growth and expansion plans.

Notably, they both have invested in Getahead, further validating McNamara's vision and the platform's potential.

Getahead founder with Tinder co-founder and former head of marketing

Getahead founder Sam McNamara (centre) with Tinder's co-founder Jonathan Badeen (left) and founding team member and former head of marketing Rosette Pambakian

Looking ahead, Getahead is poised for international expansion, with plans to launch in the United States before the end of the year. McNamara’s vision for the future includes continued investment in content creation, product development, and leveraging the expertise of his growing team and advisory board. 

The story of Getahead is a testament to McNamara's deep understanding of the market's needs, his entrepreneurial journey, and relentless pursuit of innovation. As we discussed on Sub11 Uncovered, his journey is far from over, and I eagerly anticipate the next chapter in the evolution of Getahead.

Listen to the podcast below: