TPT Wealth announces commitment to responsible investment charter

Australian fintech news and information

Taller than the Trees

TPT Wealth reaffirms ESG-focus by signing the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment

TPT Wealth has become a signatory to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). “Adoption of the PRI gives clients confidence that our investment practices are aligned with our business values,” said

Alan Logan, General Manager of TPT Wealth.

“Taking this step allows us to strengthen relationships with new and existing investors such as universities, family offices and individual investors who prioritise sustainable outcomes. It also allows us to form important new partnerships with like-minded clients,” Mr Logan added.

The PRI’s six principles

The PRI’s six principles call for signatories to integrate responsible investment into their investment decisions:

  • Principle 1: Incorporate environmental, sustainability and governance (ESG) issues into investment analysis

    and decision-making processes.

  • Principle 2: Be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into ownership policies and practices.

  • Principle 3: Seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which a signatory invests.

  • Principle 4: Promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry.

  • Principle 5: Collaborate to enhance effectiveness in implementing the Principles.

  • Principle 6: Report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles.

    So far, the PRI has attracted over 5000 signatories, mostly investment managers, across 135 countries representing USD$121 trillion. There are 209 signatories from Australia.

    “We’re pleased to welcome TPT Wealth as a signatory to the PRI,” said David Atkin, CEO at the Principles for Responsible Investment.

    “Now more than ever, it’s vital for responsible investors to come together and work towards common goals, for the benefit of the planet and our society. We look forward to working alongside TPT Wealth to realise these goals.”


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About TPT Wealth –

With decades of trusted experience and a firm eye on the future, TPT Wealth aims to deliver managed investments and commercial lending services that simply make good sense for our clients. We manage investments on behalf of both retail and wholesale investors Australia-wide, with our total funds under management currently standing at c. $1.06 billion. Founded as a trustee company in Tasmania in 1887, we proudly continue to honour our heritage, supporting the local Tasmanian community with our ongoing work to administer estates and charitable trusts including the MyState Foundation. We became a signatory of the United Nations-supported Principals of Responsible Investment in July 2022. As a wholly owned subsidiary, TPT Wealth has enjoyed the operational efficiencies, strong balance sheet and good governance of the ASX-Listed MyState Limited (ASX: MYS) since 2009.

About MyState Limited –

MyState Limited is the ASX-listed (MYS) non-operating holding company of the diversified financial services Group consisting of MyState Bank and TPT Wealth. MyState Bank is regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority. MyState Bank and TPT Wealth hold Australian Financial Services Licences issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.