Weekly Fintech Summary 26/2/23 - Supported by AWS Startups

Sub11 - Partnering with fintechs in Australia to help them scale.

Weekly fintech summary supported by AWS
  • Sydney based DataMesh Group raised $30m in their Series A round with NAB Ventures1835i & Deutsche Bank participating in the round.

  • Bendigo and Adelaide Bank has said their digital bank Up now has 613,000 customers 🖥️ and $1.3 billion in deposits at the end of the half. Up Home 🏠 - their mortgage product has settled $38 million in home loans.

  • Zip Co reported some metrics : TTV 🛍️: $4.9bCustomers 💻: 7.3m ,Transactions 👾: 42.2m Merchants 🏪: 97,500 . The company aims to be “group positive cash EBTDA during 1H24”

  • Sydney based investing platform Blossom App announced 📣 they have had $1 million in earnings posted to their community since inception. 🔢

  • ASX listed Judo Bank announced their Gross Loan and Advances 🏪 as at Dec 2022 was $7.5b up 23%, revenue up 67% and profit before tax up >300% to $53m 📈 ✅

Thanks to AWS Startups for Supporting this fintech summary.