Weekly Fintech Summary 19/2/23 - Supported by AWS Startups

Sub11 - Partnering with fintechs in Australia to help them scale.

Weekly fintech summary supported by AWS

• Gold coast based Send Payments raised $11.5m in a Series B round 💵 to accelerate opportunities in Australia & offshore 🌎

•Brisbane based ASX listed Change Financial
secured A$6.9m in new fundjng from US-based fintech entrepreneur & investor Michael Giles 👋🏻

•Sydney based Shift raised 💰 $27m to help scale their receivables & to make further investment in tech 💻 and data 💿 ✅

Experian announced the appointment of data aggregation and analytics platform Envestnet | Yodlee as its official Open Data API provider in Australia. 🇦🇺🔗

Commonwealth Bank announced a NPAT of $5.15b for 1H23 🗂️ Matt Comyn CEO, said: “Our strategic focus on building tomorrow’s bank 🏦today for our customers is illustrated by our leading outcomes on customer advocacy scores.”

Westpac will offer its credit card 💳 customers more flexible payment options with the introduction of "PartPay", allowing their customers to pay for purchases in four instalments. ¼ 📆

Commonwealth Bank announced 📣 it has connected customers to $1b of grants, rebates & concessions through their Benefits finder 🔬- More than 2.2 million claims were started by personal and business customers between January 2019 and December 2022.

Carolyn Breeze GAICD announced she is joining as CEO at Scalare Partners
- with portfolio companies such as FrankieOne and Cape + more 👋

Thanks to AWS Startups for Supporting this fintech summary.