Why did the fintech founders choose their company name? 🤔

Hear the stories from fintech founders first hand on why they chose their name😎 🆔 🪪

Alex Harper - Swyftx
A bit of a tradition has emerged in my family over the years of naming businesses after species of birds.We were looking for a name that spoke to our speed & efficiency & the swift stood out. Swifts don’t touch ground for the first few years of their lives & that’s pretty much what it’s felt like since we founded the business. We just needed to do a bit of tweaking to get from swift to Swyftx!

Paul Billings - Send
Because we want to help businesses ‘Send’ payments… jokes aside, we wanted a global name that people understood. Payments can be unnecessarily complex, why make up some kind of cliché buzz word name; focus on what we do and what we are good at - that’s a mantra that resonates through our name.

John Connor - ExtrasJar
We want provide revolutionary peace of mind for the entire family. We want everyone to have a money Jar for all of life’s extras.

Gaby Rosenberg - Blossom
My late grandfather’s nickname was Blossom. Much like he used to bring the family together, Blossom has done the same. Everyone contributes where they can and my grandpa would’ve been super proud of that.

Caroline Bowler - BTC Markets
Back in 2013, BTC (Bitcoin) was the only crypto in market!

Anthony Nantes - Wisr
Australians deserve a smarter, fairer and Wisr option when considering finance options.   Additionally, at our core we aim to deliver smarter finance products, that make us a wise choice for the consumer.

Matt Holme - Youpay
We think it explains itself… how about YouPay for me? Can YouPay for it?

Cassie Bell & Steph Skevington - Butter Insurance
We knew we wanted our name to reflect the concept of our business – insurance that’s smooth, simple and can be added to anything. While we would love to say we had this moment of divine inspiration when we came up with Butter, in the spirit of complete transparency… the ‘aha!’ moment actually came from an episode of Gossip Girl where Serena says: “YES! claps with excitement BUTTER!”

Then it just clicked – Butter: smooth, simple, can be put on anything.

Andrew Wong - Koba
KilOmeters BAsed Insurance - Brand recognition in a such a crowded category was always going to be a problem.  So we needed to come up some something that is memorable, own’able.  So like most tech companies…. We made up a word. This allows us to put our own meaning on it.  Plus it helps we Google organic search.  KOBA is easy to find.  This way we don’t have to fight with insurers with deep marketing budgets.

Jill Berry - Adatree
Ada is named after Ada Lovelace, a woman who in the 1800s was considered to be the first computer programmer. Tree is about a linked ecosystem.

Andrew Rothwell - Tyro
Tyro in Mediaeval Latin means new recruit. And in Australian sporting vernacular it's used also to mean the new young gun blooded into the team. The new recruit will usurp the old guard. And that's where the Tyro name came from.

Simone Joyce - Paypa Plane
We wanted to remove all paperwork from recurring/scheduled payments -make them intuitive and digital first for both parties (payer and business)... Paper planes are used to send notes in school etc and it's kind of ironic to name the company after what you want to remove... so Paypa Plane....

Pred Dragila - Fat Zebra
The Zebra came from a barcode , and fat just sounded good in front of Zebra.

Jason Atkins - Cake
We want to make equity simple, you could say, a piece of Cake ! Plus the name made us smile .You share cake with people that are important to you at celebrations, and we feel the same with building community around your equity.

John Murphy - Azupay
It's the closest thing to cash. The money moves instantly "as you pay"!

Camille Socquet-Clerc - Bloom
Bloom is the way nature grows - so creating a financial service called Bloom is an intention and a commitment to use finance for, not against nature. Bloom is a name that set a goal to pursue sustainable returns within the boundaries of our planet ecosystems - so that both planet and people can thrive.

Josh Reyes - Minke
Minke comes from the Minke whale, which is the most common whale in our oceans . It plays on the crypto “lingo” of whales who are participants with large amounts of funds.

Previously due to high transaction fees and horrid UX, DeFi was reserved to only “whales”. However now with Minke’s gasless ❌ tech & intuitive banking-like interface, DeFi becomes accessible everyone no matter how little money you’re saving.

Ben Williamson - Fresh
We were pivoting from a business called dealPad and didn't want to use up our brand equity in this "test". 4 weeks later we had eclipsed the first year's traction with dealPad and made the move permanent.

Greg Story - MyGreenerPlanet
MyGreenerPlanet is democratising the Renewable Energy industry by enabling everybody to participate directly in helping save the planet and obtain the carbon credits directly. We are disrupting the conventional carbon markets by enabling direct ownership of the assets that produce carbon credits. Companies can produce their own carbon credits rather than buy from a third party.

Yish-Koh - Kit
Keep in touch with your money, also Kit equips you with everything you need for something :)

Dan Joveski - WeMoney
WeMoney’s name came from the core mission of wanting to bring together a community of people to get ahead together We = together + money, it’s really that simple.

Kathryn McConnell - Brighte
I think of it as something smart or clever or a lightbulb moment and this is what we want our customers to feel when they use Brighte to pay for their energy or home improvement purchase.

Paul Weingarth - Slyp
The name Slyp (pronounced "slip"), refers to the replacement of paper slips or receipts with Slyp Smart Receipts. Slyp changes the antiquated way of paper receipts by automatically sending smart receipts into the customer's banking app .

The other connotation relates to the seamless/automatic experience of Slyp i.e. "just slip it over to me"

Fred Schebesta - Finder
Our first name was creditcardfinder.com.au, which we shortened to Finder. Finder itself has a much better ring to it!

Caleb Gibbons - Cache
The word "Cache" derives from the French noun "cache" that means "hidden place" (or secret place). In English, the word came to be used for secret storage places that are readily accessible - "a cache of guns" at a military fort or "a cache of money" at a shopfront 🛍. Cache memory adopts this meaning - it's highly accessible computer storage . We called our business "Cache" because we have built Australia's only real-time liquid pooled investment infrastructure - operating some of the most liquid and accessible products in the market. Oh - and we also like the name "Cache" because it's pronounced the same as "Cash". 🤑

Nick Nicolaides - Pearler
Pearler has grown to embody a few things for us: valuable, a great idea and Australian. It came to my co-founder Kurt Walkom probably around 3am one morning in 2018 when he was just brainstorming, as you do. I remember the whiteboard - it started with something valuable > treasure > pirates ☠️ > Jack Sparrow > Black Pearl > Pearler... and it stuck”

Gareth Gumbley - Frollo
Frollo = Front + Follow. No matter where you are financially, there’ll always be someone in front, and always someone behind you.
When we all get together to help each other get ahead , everyone is better off. It’s a funny little name , but hey, we want you to feel good about money.

Richard Voice - Cryptospend
We wanted a name that stated exactly what the business does. No confusion just the one and only CryptoSpend 

Dan Rutter - Digital Surge
We wanted a name that would indicate the surging nature of crypto in a digital native world.