Wisr - Company Profile for Sub11

Wisr - Company Profile for Sub11

Another great picture done with the iPhone X Portrait mode.  This was a rescued bird at the Texas State Aquarium.  The majesty of these animals is unmatched.

Company Description:

Wisr is Australia’s first ASX-listed (ASX:WZR) neo-lender and a fintech pioneer in the rapidly growing Australian consumer finance market. 

Why did you start the business? : The goal was always to build a purpose-led company in the finance space, that focusses on delivering a core need (consumer finance) to everyday Australians in a smarter, fairer way, and ultimately be a the pre-eminent competitor to the Big4 Banks when it comes to consumer finance options.  

Year founded : 2016
Founders/CEO: Anthony Nantes
Location:  Sydney
Size of Team: 100-200

Current Investors: ASX listed - public.

Recent Milestone 🎉: $1B in loans originated since inception.  24 consecutive quarters of growth delivered.